
This is one of those questions of life we all have different opinions on, but here we go.. Don’t get me wrong, I am all up for Birthdays!

But why do we celebrate it? Is the question that’s been give me a hard time. Of course celebrations are a great excuse to party, meet friends and drink, even if it is the celebration of getting older and starting to feel the consequences  of the drinks you take to celebrate.

Usually I love birthdays, specially kids ones in Brazil, filled with family and good (bad for you) food. My birthday used to be a big deal, when I turned 1 I had 3 partys, how crazy is that? But this year I am not really feeling it. I just turned 26 today and I fear it will be just another day, because, well, in the end it will all stay the same.

Me B-days
As you can see I am still a kid!

What I never understood is why do we celebrate birthdays. DO we do it to celebrate we survived another year or that we lived another year? If it was a good one we should celebrate that , right? But what if it was a bad one? Should we celebrate it is over? I am still trying to understand what this past year was for me, there was a lot of bad (more than usual), but also a lot of good. So why am I celebrating this year?

Birthday bash 2015
The B-day Bash I had 2 years ago

I think i will go with a new beginning, a new chance to start and maybe finish 2017 way better than it began. Lucky me I still have half a year (exactly half a year!) to figure it all out.

Can anybody answer my questions? or is anybody else feeling the same? How do you feel on your birthdays? I am open to new theories, even if it is a conspiracy one 😉

Happy B-Day to me!!

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