This year could not be over soon enough, believe me, I’ve been sleeping and dragging myself the past few days waiting for it to end. I know, it will be just another day, same as yesterday, but it holds a new chance and I have high hopes for 2019, oh man, really high hopes…

A family vacation, a break up, a new someone, a heartbreak, lot of battles lost to myself, more than 15 great concerts, 2 awesome festivals, a heated summer, crazy sad moments, loads of tears, confused thoughts, feelings nobody can actually explain, laughs, a lot of new experiences, a new job, new people, forgetting, still having a hard time to forgive, still trying to forget and a lot of wine and beer later, I can holyhearted say I am done with 2018! 
Good bye SUCKER!

Don’t be fooled by the good pictures below, it was a damm hard year, but it had some awesome and fun moments, so for that I am grateful. Thank you to the amazing friends and family I have and kept me sane (sort of at least).

But hey, we survived right? And 2019 brings high hopes. My Plan? as stated above I plan to turn my dreams into plans and plans into reality. It is a lot of work and I am ready for it. 

I am going to work on me, for me and live the best life I can, because I do know how lucky I am, and all opportunities I have, so let’s enjoy it!

To you I wish an awesome 2019, with dreams filled, winning the lottery, having the best sex ever and enjoying every second. Doing something new, travelling and doing whatever the fuck makes YOU happy!

Here it is for an AWESOME 2019!!

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